Forte Frequently Asked Questions

Forte offers both individualized and class fencing instruction, as well as open fencing (per discipline). We recommend:

Individual lessons - Individual 20-25 minute lesson. The focused attention from the coach gives the athlete better individualized feedback for quicker skill acquisition. Click here to purchase a lesson package. Click here to schedule a lesson with one of our coaches.

Open Fencing- Sign up for your athlete’s specific discipline for open bouting. Open Fencing is the best time to apply the skills and tactics that you have been refining in the classes and lessons. Click here to purchase an open fencing package.  Click here to reserve an opening bouting slot.

Priority Times for Open Bouting:

5:45 to 7:00pm Sabre
7:15 to 8:30pm Monday-Foil, Tuesday-Epee
8:15 to 9:30pm Monday-Epee, Tuesday-Foil

Other clubs have fencers wait and compete with the other weapons for fencing strips. However, we choose to designate times for each discipline to provide a more focused experience. Rarely do fencers at Forte have to wait for an open strip. We recommend that fencers arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of their open bouting session in order to warm up and get the most benefit.

  1. Purchase an individual lesson or a package at Lessons, Classes, and Open Fencing.
  2. Go to the booking website.
  3. Click on Book Now button then select the Private Lessons option.
  4. Select the discipline that the fencer has been designated.
  5. Choose the Coach, then pick a time slot for the lesson.

Purchase a mask, glove, weapon - or rent a set for the lessons.


  • Communicate with your Coach to have a regular time to take your lessons.
  • When the fencer is ready to begin open fencing, schedule the lesson around the open bouting time.
  • Arrive 10-20 minutes prior to the lesson to warm up for it. (Just like the warm-up for class.)

Lessons with Coach Lisa are very limited, and require pre-authorization. Email to request permission.

Open bouting is available all night while club is open. There are "priority times" for each weapon, and we ask athletes sign up so that we will know how many to expect.

  1. Purchase an individual open-bouting session a package at Lessons, Classes, and Open Fencing. Cash discounts available at the club.
  2. Go to the booking website.
  3. Click on Book Now button then select the Open Bouting option.
  4. Select the designated time slot for the lesson.

At any time, you can look up your balance at

Note that if you have a "family" account, it will be listed at the bottom of the list.

Individual lessons - Individual 20-25 minute lesson. The focused attention from the coach gives the athlete better individualized feedback for quicker skill acquisition. Click here to purchase a lesson package. Click here to schedule a lesson with one of our coaches.

When you are taking your first several lessons, your coach is evaluating which of the three disciplines (foil, epee, sabre) is best suited to your style and skills. This "sorting" will occur on or before the fourth lesson.

Equipment needs for your first lessons are included. For subsequent lessons, there is a rental fee of $15, which provides a weapon (foil/epee/sabre), a plastron (a protective garment), and a fencing mask. Female athletes are also provided a chest protector. Wear comfortable athletic clothing and supportive athletic shoes.

Forte has personalized handouts that give clear guidance about equipment to be purchased. Ask your coach for this.

A fencer comes in and checks in with Coach Lisa or Coach Jaime. Chairs are provided to leave your equipment next to. Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes (there is a laminated warm up guidance document available for anyone who is unsure of what to do). Take the nightly footwork class before (or right after) open bouting. Then put on your full fencing equipment and join in our open bouting session.

Forte allows lesson packages to be shared among family members. Contact to have your individual account(s) converted into a family account.

You can look up your balance at any time at

NOTE: Family accounts are listed at the bottom.