Epee 2.5 (article written by a Sabre?!)

But back to the original question, why is a saber guy going on about an epee book? Because like wise old Uncle Iroh borrowing from the Water Benders to learn to deflect lightning (where are all my Last Airbender Fans?), I feel that there is a lot that can be learned by all fencers, largely because the book is about a change in thought process.

Six Months of Quarantine and a Whole Lot of Nothing

Coming back after roughly 6 months, just a 30 minute lesson felt like hell for me. I did muscle strengthening over the quarantine, but no cardio. It was impossible to breathe with the two masks on while doing “intense” physical activity and by intense I mean simple footwork and bladework.

Honing My Technique on the Strip

I started to get the hang of bouting against good opponents and started experimenting with new things instead of trying to fence for my life. Going on the strip became much more enjoyable because I wasn’t worried about losing.

An Unexpected New Goal

In previous tournaments I have participated, it was often difficult to hear the referee over the buzz of the crowds in the venue. The hand signals were there, but to me it just looked like they were trying to land an airplane on the strip. So, when this seminar came along, it seemed like a great opportunity (plus Coach Lefty told me to go, and we should always do what Coach Lefty says!).